
Perhaps the US deserves Donald Trump

Like during the Viet Nam days when a lot of US young men teleported to Canada...
What idiots all you people that are not USA citizens that comment on the US election. Imagine what you would say if I comment on your politicians (that applies to you)
#83 Stephenson: I am not an USA citizen or an idiots but I want to comment on USA politic. USA is the most powerful country in the world, Military and Economically combined. The Democratic World need USA to counter China and Russia militarily. Therefore USA's Foreign Policies are very important to the Democratic World. Long Live USA.
Trump is more centered on the US and much less interventionist and is therefore preferable. He will care about US interests rather than the triumph of some ideology, which is better both for the US and the rest of the world.
JacquesD, would you like your country to be run by a guy like that?
Mais les fausses opinions ressemblent à la fausse monnaie qui est frappée d'abord par de grands coupables et dépensée ensuite par d'honnêtes gens qui perpétuent le crime sans savoir ce qu'ils font.

Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.

- Joseph de Maistre
American elections have been broken for a long time. Money in politics, the two party system, and media control/propaganda ensures that legitimate, un-corrupt candidates don't get a shot. Both main parties are corrupt, bought and paid for by special interests. Each and every election cycle, the elites and corporations win, and the common folk lose.

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