
Perhaps the US deserves Donald Trump

Not most people, but the radical ones, the racist ones, the ones that forgot that the US started as a heaven for immigrants, that in the statue of liberty it´s inscribed: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Perhaps he is the just punishment for the illegal military incursions into so many countries, perhaps he is what many capitalists deserve for supporting dictatorial regimes in other countries as long as they favor US trade and provide cheap raw materials for their insatiable industries, perhaps he is just the right wip for the incredible hunger and thirst for drugs, perhaps he represents the hell that the NRA and war mongering citizens that want guns deserve.

Perhaps he is the curse that they deserve, I don't know, do you?...
I also tend to see things as #2. As is sadly typical for a US election both candidates are undesirable so if you focus on just one you make the decision seem clear when it's anything but. As is typical in first past the post, you're left to pick the lesser of two evils.
To generalize the entire USA into a war-mongering, gun-praising, drug-thirsty nation is pretty despicable. Even Republicans are dubious on Trump, and anyone with a shred of intelligence won't vote for him.
All those horrible things you mention "the US" doing were done by the government, not the people as a whole. Go yell at Henry Kissinger or Karl Rove, I (and most Americans) had nothing to do with any of that.

Should I point out something horrible the Mexican government has done to show how Mexicans deserve punishment?
Did the Mexican Government extradite El Chapo Joaquín Guzmán to the US?
Absolutely the US deserves Trump. It's been too long since the US had a good president.

"B-b-but, the people on TV say that Trump is bad!"

Yeah, yeah, and you think Hillary is good?!

The bottom line is that Trump will address many of the problems in the US that the politically correct, brainwashed morons refuse to acknowledge.
I also object to the weird moral philosophy that entire peoples deserve anything, it's like a weird sort of absolutism where good and evil are clearly defined, but this isn't true to reality.

Also what NoJoke said, government actions do not necessarily equate to the will of the people and are often contrary to said will. Your belief allows for some absurd logical circles: consider North Korea. The government there treats the people horribly, so they must deserve it because their government treats people horribly?

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