
Perhaps the US deserves Donald Trump

Sure, let me rephrase my previous post then, and add a complement:

Clinton in the warmonger of the two, not Trump, as evidenced in this thread.

I know your messianic stance full well, perhaps even better than you know it yourself. I have thought it through and found it empty and even destructive.

You should focus on Mexican politics. That's where you have a voice. Politics is the way people organize their communities to live the life that they think is the good life. Not imaginary "saint" people, but real ones. Caring about their interests yet respectful of others.

In Trump you see the typical stance by which one recognizes to be caring for one's interests, but at the same time refrains from messing with other people. While in Clinton you see the typical stance by which one claims to care about universal values (progress, peace, etc.) but in practice is ready, in the name of such values, to mess with everyone and show no respect to other countries and people.
wow feels good being the ephemeral conductor of two debate battlers of valor ^^
"I know your messianic drivel full well, even better than you know it yourself. I have thought it through and found it empty." # 70

God JacquesD has spoken, has thought and has found emptiness...

Haaaaaahahahhahahahahahh aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahahahahahha

O great one, is emptiness like nothingness?

Talking politics always turns dirty, and it's such a shame. I mean I think if more people were more willing to express their personal opinions, and not damn others for theirs, then we could perhaps have a bit more productive discussions and maybe that'd even trickle up into our representatives and political system itself.

It's amazing we went from scholars, inventors, political and economic philosophers as our leaders to "Vote for me because the other choice sucks!" on both sides of the aisle. Both sides of the isle.. hah! Our founding fathers were also vehemently against parties. When idealism meets myopic ambition.

I'd like to get involved in the conversation but what's the point? Half the people will hate you regardless of what you say and it's not like words on an internet forum are ever going to really make people reconsider their beliefs. This stuff is modern day religion for so many people fueled in no small part by our politicians themselves who feed on that emotion to drive their own success.
You are so right, OhNoMyPants, when politics are ruled once again by philosophers, by poets, by writers, by artists, by humanists and politicians get kicked out of the picture, the word "politics" will stop being a synonym for dirtiness, emptiness, fraud ...
Well said #75 and #76.

In a study I found corporations get what they want from government 70% of the time; the people get about 30%. For example, note recently that 84% of Republicans want some fairly obvious gun laws enacted but the Republican congress refuses to act, fearful of upsetting the "single issue" gun crowd. (This crowd may have decided the 2000 election, since Dem. vice president Gore was the deciding vote in the temporary assault gun ban in the 90's. There followed the disastrous Bush years, in which which CIA intel was ignored and an attack on Iraq was conjured up, for starters.)
What kind of a society is that one where an election is decided based on whether you support or not, the use of weapons?
Some of us do. But those who try to be kind and hate violence (Me) are banging their head against the wall hoping we will somehow teleport to Canada

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