
Search "user:Xmask"

11 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Opening Explorer Settings#1

I would like there to be a way to save and load opening explorer search settings. For instance I might want to look at only games played by 2200+ players in blitz and longer time controls and then at …

Lichess Feedback - Highest Rating Bug#2

I've had something similar happen to my correspondence rating. It did update when I finished a casual correspondence game, perhaps that helps?

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle selection by difficulty (not relative to current puzzle rating)#1

Hello, I would like there to be a way of selecting puzzles of a particular rating range that is not relative to my current puzzle rating.

General Chess Discussion - people who Freeze ratings for years#18

Puzzle ratings can be quite a bit higher than regular ratings even normally

General Chess Discussion - people who Freeze ratings for years#2

If I play in the casual pool I pretty much expect this and would hardly be surprised if the player is stronger than their rating suggests. Sandbagging also being a thing that's more actively malicious…

General Chess Discussion - How can I convert my database of chess positions into solvable puzzles in lichess?#3

May be possible to ask for this to be implemented?

General Chess Discussion - How many of you have needed help to solve chess captcha#15

It would be nice if there was an option to make the puzzle captchas more difficult even it is a lil silly

General Chess Discussion - Stafford Gambit best move for White#3

The approach I try follows this video
