
Stafford Gambit best move for White

Chess mood has a refutation that is easy to follow. I have gotten caught only a few times after that mostly due to brain slips.
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there is simple draw line. it goes- e4 e5 nf4 nf6 nxe5 nc6 nxc6 dxc6 d3 bc5 h3 and now if they play bxf2 (ONLY GOOD MOVE) kxf2 nxe4 just go kg1 and qd4 kh2 qe5 kg1 draw
if you are playing for win, go ke2 instead of kg1 after nxe4. ( study it a bit it with engine before trying ke2 )
@TheKingClash said in #6:
> After 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 Nc6 4. Nxc6 dxc6 the best move is 5. e5. After 5...Ng4 then 6. c3 intending d4 and building a massive wall of pawns. If 6...Qh4 then 7. Qf3 and 8. Qg3 successfully exchanges queens.

First, if e5, they will play Ne4. Second, if they do play Ng4, you can't play c3 because the pawn on e5 just hangs.

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