
Highest Rating Bug

My rapid rating is no longer provisional. My current rapid rating(at the moment) is 2282. It is NOT provisional presently. But my highest rating is still showing 2109. Please fix the issue.
I've had something similar happen to my correspondence rating. It did update when I finished a casual correspondence game, perhaps that helps?
@Xmask said in #2:
> I've had something similar happen to my correspondence rating. It did update when I finished a casual correspondence game, perhaps that helps?
Is it because my rating deviation in rapid is still high to the extent it is just not provision and that is causing it?
@AbhirupPal said in #1:
> My rapid rating is no longer provisional. My current rapid rating(at the moment) is 2282. It is NOT provisional presently. But my highest rating is still showing 2109. Please fix the issue.
Its because u played 65 games. And ur highest is 2271
@SwApNeEl1 said in #4:
> Its because u played 65 games. And ur highest is 2271
Yeah it appeared just a while ago when I played 2 more games. I had a non-provisional rating of 2282 as mentioned earlier but it is not displayed.

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