

I was asking myself about ¿why in the fide top 100 chess rantings there aren't black chess player ?...any especial reasons?
For the (more or less) same reasons there aren't many black scientists...
Not many blacks across the globe are in chess in general. This situation can be compared to women chess to an extent.
What most people think, even people who would prefer to have one arm chopped off rather than saying it loud, is that it's because of race-linked genetically determined cognitive factors.

It may be so, but it's difficult to isolate the racial factor. In fact to do so is artificial because race and culture are usually associated and culture is much more influential and persistant than people usually think.

Just the fact that African Americans live in the US doesn't mean they have the same culture as White Americans. (The same is true for Jews by the way.)

In any case, as I looked at the list I noticed that there is only 1 US-born player in the Top 100, Caruana, and he's actually Italian. So if you take the whole group of US-born people with only the US citizenship, which include Black Americans but also all the people of remote European ancestry, then the whole group is absent from the top 100! On the other hand there are of course many actual European players.
Its mostly socio-economic, cultural and historical. In the UK, chess is played mostly in private schools and not so much in comprehensives. Chess was a game of the haves in the 1800s. It was a gentlemens game. People end up doing what is acceptable within the norms around them. Its similar to why there are so few women chess players in the top 100.
#4 Gotta respect you. I once said the same thing (but about women in chess) and got crushed by tons of moronic people who have no idea what statistics is.

Not all the people are the same. We want it or not. Race, Gender, Age and other facotrs determine a lot. Though, yes, there is no reason to say one group is better then other. They are just good at other things.
#6 You may be misunderstanding #4. He's saying its more likely culture than genetics.
#7 No, I did not misunderstand. He clearly stated it's BOTH - genetics and culture. And I completly agree.

So you're saying people who are black can't play chess because they have inferior chess playing genes?
#7 You do realise that what you said is completely racist? You should be banned from expressing such offensive and outdated view full stop. The whole pseudo science of eugenics has been discredited. I have reported you to the mods.

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