
Chess marathon tournament

Can we not have it tomorrow? Most people work on weekdays, and for me personally it would give me better opportunity to carry out some opening theory.
It will start this Sunday at midnight GMT, and will run the entire Sunday.
what a shame...but if there will be others, please anounce them far in advance...
so good luck to all of the crazy ;)
Great idea.

And you do know how to advertise, Thibault, that was a fun read.
Actually this could even be an apportunity to have new people to join lichess, since as far as I know this is kind of unique. I never visit any other chess-related websites, but maybe those who are active on different chess forums could post a link to it? (I am not talking about websites which offer live play, for obvious reasons...)

Just a detail:
"How does the tournament work? You get paired automatically with opponents close to you in the tournament standing. Read more about lichess arena tournaments."

No big deal, but the info on "How does the pairing work?" is a little outdated in the tournament FAQ since the pairing system has been adjusted.

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