
Lichess time controls popularity using hours (graph)

A popularity measure of time controls was previously made using the number of games:
But as it was pointed by some, there is a bias towards shorter games. You can play more 1+0 games in an hour than you can play 30+0 games.
Some people suggested to measure popularity by hours played.
I made a program to retrieve this information from the lichess rated game database of July 2021:
Here is the number of hours played per day for the top 20 time controls:

We can see that 10+0 is the most popular by this metric.
But Blitz is more popular than Rapid. As it is followed by 5+0 and 3+0.
We can also notice that 30+20 is the least popular of the Quick Buttons.

Note that I wasn't able to get the exact time of all the games. Lichess allows to add time to a player, but this information is not available in the database. Therefore, there might be some approximations on some games. But as for most of the games time is not added, the numbers should be accurate enough to show the trend.
I don't know if that is possible, but adding the time at which the game ended in the database would have made these stats more accurate.
To know how long was a given game, I took into account: the time control, the number of moves (for the increment), and the time remaining for each player at the end of the game (taking into account if a player lost on time).
"Excluding Tournaments" makes blitz time control a whole lot weaker in stats!
No it doesn't change much. Watch out, the colors are not the same on both graphs.
You need to add 3+0, 5+0, 3+2 and 5+3: 17+13+8+8=46% at least of all non tournament games are Blitz.
I will add a graph by category, to make it clearer.
@IlOwOlI Here is the repartition of types of games in July 2021.
48% of the time played was for Blitz games.
This does not include tournament games.
@Rednaj thanks you for theses datas, it would be interesting to look the different popularily of time format use by different rating range.

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