
Calling player who intentionally runs time out scumbag

When I was getting started on lichess, I played a lot of slow time controls. If I ever encountered a flagger, I would simply pull out a deck of cards and start playing a game of solitaire. I didn't get in trouble for abusive language, and I felt really cool (you know who else played cards while playing chess? Pillsbury.)
@mkubecek said in #17:
> Not me. You did omit it in the first place. If you suggested a limit proportional to time control, I would still find it a bad idea but I would have discussed that proposal. As you proposed fixed one minute, I commented on that.
> And I believe something being "abnormal" doesn't mean it's wrong. Even if some people who overestimate the value of being "normal" often think so.
> It's funny how many people who have no problem spending time playing series of 10-20 3+2 games every now and then but they find the very idea of playing one 30+20 or 45+45 game absurd because "it would take awful lot of time". :-)
There is a psychological factor to it too, besides the obvious time issue.
Fact is, blundering stupid stuff in a 30+20 game sucks, because in order to get the rating back, you have to playing for 30 more minutes, so it's extremely disheartening.
Whereas, if you mess up a blitz game, you can just boot up a second one and "fix" the rating in like 3 mins.
So, for people who care about their rating, but can't be 100% focused at all times, blitz is preferrable.
@Dragon_Emperor_9774 said in #22:
> Whereas, if you mess up a blitz game, you can just boot up a second one and "fix" the rating in like 3 mins.
> So, for people who care about their rating, but can't be 100% focused at all times, blitz is preferrable.
...or not. When you lose a game because of lack of focus, it's not likely that playing another right after that, with the goal to "fix it", your focus is going to be any better. Often rather the opposite, actually.

There is an advantage, of course: shorter games can be used to fill a given time window better. On the other hand, after playing a 45+45 game, I rarely feel an urge to keep playing.
@mkubecek said in #23:
> ...or not. When you lose a game because of lack of focus, it's not likely that playing another right after that, with the goal to "fix it", your focus is going to be any better. Often rather the opposite, actually.
Depends. Sometimes I just slap myself to wake up and play better, works pretty well ;)
(Disclaimer: I'm not promoting self-harm, I recommend cold water instead)
I just received this message from lichess

"We have noticed a pattern of aggressive request for rematches in your communications. Please remember that no one is obligated to play another game with you. By asking for a rematch you are only relying on the courtesy of your opponent, so refusing your request is not bad sportsmanship. On the other hand, it is inappropriate for you to criticize him for this. Keep that in mind in the future."

And that's for calling who lets me wait until the end of their time after losing a game a runner in a private message. I don't insult, I don't denigrate, I just write "run, baby, run" and then I block them....
I hope they get a warning too. I don't find this system fair.
Next time, skip the private message and move straight to the block. Same result and no risk to your account. simple!

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