
Search "user:salmon_rushdie"

2675 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Biden releases 1 million gallons gasoline from US strategic reserves to ease gas prices.#31

@Noflaps said in #30: > I never try to tell other people what they are permitted to "question." And I try to realize when I am taking an inconsistent position, and not just make an excuse for that. > …

Off-Topic Discussion - Bernard Arnaut has a net worth of $211 billion USD, that's higher than the GDP of 143 countries#10

@Alientcp said in #9: > Well, net worth is not exactly what he has, but what the market project he has. > > He probably only has like 100-200 million, maybe even 500 in cash available to spend. > > An…

Off-Topic Discussion - National spelling bee#13

@HerkyHawkeye said in #11: > I read that when i googled it too. However, it isn't certain. :) indeed, interesting supposed etymology for those words anyway.

Off-Topic Discussion - National spelling bee#7

@HerkyHawkeye said in #6: > Why are they called spelling bees? No one knows with certainty. Now, that is a bit of a paradox. P-a-r-a-d-o-k-s, paradox. Doh! ' the word bee probably comes from dialectal…

Off-Topic Discussion - Biden releases 1 million gallons gasoline from US strategic reserves to ease gas prices.#29

It's one thing to question an election that was decided by like 200 votes in a single state where your opponents brother is governor lol, 100% within the normal bounds of a recount. It's another entir…

Off-Topic Discussion - National spelling bee#5

@Noflaps said in #4: > Both spelling bees and the piano concertos of young virtuosos serve to keep us humble. > > They share that function with chess. they'll all suk soon dont worry I was once a 3x s…

Off-Topic Discussion - Future prediction#5

@Kelvin306 said in #1: > To be honest, the future is kinda dead to me due to unfunny memes reaching everywhere its easy just block everyone who posts bad memes that said they topped out in 2006

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is the skibidi toilet meme and the Grimace shake so popular#15

@TPT2010 said in #8: > You probably don't see memes I'm more just not friends with middle schoolers :p

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you smoke when you are playing chess?#17

@TadejPogabike honestly this

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever had any ( for lack of a better term) occult experiences#24

Oh I was kind of kidding, but I'll elaborate sometime anyway, some intense ones but many beautiful :)
