
Search "user:Ti22"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Minor pieces disappeared after first move...#3

I reloaded several times, and after several minutes of not making a second move, the minor pieces finally reappeared. I (white) was missing all minor pieces, whereas black was just missing both knight…

Lichess Feedback - Minor pieces disappeared after first move...#1

Minor pieces disappeared after first move... of the final round of the USCF Rated Team Swiss Tournament: Macos 12.4 (latest version) Firefox 101.0.1 (latest version)

Lichess Feedback - Stripe Currency Payment Bug - wrong currency charged#5

I donated again to test the stripe integration with the guest checkout by logging out on the stripe page, and then it correctly charges $5 USD instead of the bug of displaying dollars and charging in …

Lichess Feedback - Stripe Currency Payment Bug - wrong currency charged#3

This might be related to another Stripe Payment Bug I reported: The bugs might be related, in that the user profi…

Lichess Feedback - Stripe Currency Payment Bug - wrong currency charged#1

Stripe Currency Payment Bug causes a donation to lichess to be charged in the incorrect currency: for example, if the user display is set to charge in dollars, Stripe charges incorrectly in Euros inst…

Lichess Feedback - Stripe Payment Bug when Donating to lichess:#1

Stripe Payment Bug when donating to lichess: Stripe payment system fails to update user email to the current and correct email that is in the user's lichess profile, and since the email address cannot…
