
Search "user:RicardoAleixo"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Dashed lines using Caps Lock or FN on keyboard#2

That would be great!

Lichess Feedback - Personal Opening Explorer#50

I've been asking for this for a long time now! Thank you so much! Because of this update I donated to lichess! :) Thank you very much again!

Lichess Feedback - Notation colours is great! Let me suggest more#1

I find the new notation colours amazing and it helps a lot in visualizing the blunders. Nevertheless, let me suggest an update with the following colour scheme: - ?? blunder - red - ? error - orange -…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess now highlights blunders and mistakes by default (move annotations)#9

I suggest a new colour scheme as follows: - ?? blunder - red - ? error - orange - ?! dubious - yellow - !? interesting - blue - ! good - green - !! brilliant - dark green - only move / with the idea -…

Lichess Feedback - Color Coded Annotations#7

Yes, that would be great! I suggest the following colour scheme: - ?? blunder - red - ? error - orange - ?! dubious - yellow - !? interesting - blue - ! good - green - !! brilliant - dark green - only…

Lichess Feedback - What do you want changed in ?#108

SEARCH YOUR OWN GAMES FOR SPECIFIC OPENINGS OR POSITIONS I can't believe no one has yet asked for this in this topic once it has been asked so many times. I would love to have the possibility to searc…

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Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Opening database with "Only my games"#2

Totally agreed! This must be the most requested feature on lichess!! Please implement it as soon as possible!

Lichess Feedback - Individual opening database#4

Sim, espero que sim, já muita gente pediu esta ferramenta! :)

Lichess Feedback - Individual opening database#2

I join my voice to yours. It's probably the most wished tool in lichess. And the most important for any improving player.
