
Search "user:Permutohedron"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - One rating by variant and by game duration#3

Anything has a cost. I think it is really a nonsense that a correspondance game in chess 960 has same impact on rating as a bullet game in the same variant.

Lichess Feedback - One rating by variant and by game duration#1

Dear all, I think it would be a nice feature to have four kinds of ratings (bullet, blitz , classical, and correspondance) for all variations (chess, chess 960, KOT, etc.). In this way, all ratings wo…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple game creation#3

This DIY solution contrasts with the smoothness of this website.

Lichess Feedback - Multiple game creation#1

Hello. It would be very nice to be able to send multiple general challenges at the same time, with the behavior that if a game starts, all other challenges are canceled. For instance, I would like to …

Lichess Feedback - Monster chess#13

There are tactical combinations involving the move d5-d6;e5-e6 when white pawns are at d5 and e6. This is almost checkmate. Besides, white king can pass by the kingside and use the weakness of the dia…

Lichess Feedback - Monster chess#10

Yes, please Toadofsky, do not pollute this thread.

Lichess Feedback - Monster chess#6

Really solved? Please Toadofsky, give us a reference!

Lichess Feedback - Monster chess#1

Congratulations for this chess website, it is simply the best I have encountered so far. I open this post because I would like to submit an idea for the implementation of a new chess variant : Monster…
