
Search "user:Artifook"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - A new logo for Lichess#250

Please reconsider. This new logo is so bad that I actually like my favorite-in-the-world chess website just that little bit less. Who knew a fail logo could have such power? It reads badly in icon for…

Lichess Feedback - New Logo Looks like a Fortune Cookie#9

I think it's terrible. Circle and knight just don't go together... it looks out-of-whack.

Lichess Feedback - sound control#3

This is fixed for me now. Thx for the update! :D keep up the great work

Lichess Feedback - sound control#1

I can't move the sound volume up or down any more. The circle lights up when I hover but I can't drag it. Chrome

Lichess Feedback - Pls add a separate volume for spectating#1

I love to spectate on lichess but every time I do I always lower the volume. It'd be great if there was one volume setting for playing and a separate volume setting for spectating! Thank you and keep …
