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32 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - I wish I could better analyze my games#1

I tried exporting my games, but I have a google chrome OS, and the format doesn't work. I tried uploading the data to Google Drive, but it still didn't work. I then tried using the Chess PGN viewer ap…

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#45

Donterr, very good job defending my view, actually. thanks. I don't think that the computer arbitration is very useful or necessary. As far as it being difficult for the computer program to deal with …

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#35

@ ChessAgent, Couldn't the PGN record the game as "abandoned" the same way it does when a game is canceled before both sides make a first move?

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#27

I just want to make a quick comment about the "computer arbiter" thing. That is a clever approach for sure, but I think it has a problem. If you look at the analysis the computer does, it doesn't real…

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#18

At Toadofsky. You are right about that. We really don't need a "claim defeat" button. But we do need a "Claim Unfinished" I can't believe I forgot that that was my original solution. Thank you.

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#15


Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#14

@ static_shadow What if I don't think I've earned a draw? what if the opponent was clearly winning. Doesn't it seem unfair to "claim draw" when that isn't likely? Also, what if you just can't tell how…

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#9

I just played a game where the guy disappeared after clearly beating me. There should be a "claim defeat" option as well.

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#7

I guess, what if a player wasn't concerned with their rating so much as with keeping a record of good games with various players. What if you start playing games with the same player. and you keep the…

Lichess Feedback - There ought to be an "Unfinished" option of game resolution#5

@Chess_Agent, I would use it. Other Civil players would, too. Why not make it an option?
