
The rare en passant mate!! Achievement unlock

Very beautiful.

Would even be better if there's no rook on g3, that way the ep isn't just some discovered check but is actually essential in more ways than one.

In my around 40k games, so around 20k wins, so around 5k or less checkmates, I've never done this. Very rare indeed.
Najdorf mated someone in a "Polish Immortal" game Najdorf was Polish but lived in Argentina ... It was a Dutch Defence . I played it over when I was starting to play chess in a book call The Chess Companion by Irving Chernev
@RickRenegade said in #24:
> Does anyone have any stats on how rare it is?
> I know for example B+N mate more than 10,000 - 1.

Yes, I had seen somewhere that it occurs once every 32820 games played worldwide OTB.
In online chess, it's more common with 1 in 5270 games played on any chess website.
Note: The data is not for an individual person.

And about B+N mate, it occurs once every 6000 games for a player.
@Akbar2thegreat Thanks for that, very interesting.

Maybe it's more common online because players sometimes manipulate positions to lead to that mate.
You know, 1 CM, 2 NMs and (@)thibault responded to this post.
Hope a GM / IM posts in this.

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