
Ask me any question.

what is 112456782872265167110919119181771165114211231425738495994049948474463653535352627289203030938282715413146273839030033039287261514145263738399393746534245161891101011.3585511352908 divided by2345578900998753135678909877888865312468909976432112345689998754344478990098654211123445678900987542112356755424722377887.76532145670000765321?
@Phil224 said in #7:
> what is <spam inserted>
how do I know the answer? I know it because calculators exist
@Chigerleck said in #6:
> What is/was your favourite subject at school, and why?
Science. Because that was the only subject without a book falling on my head every time I went to the main room.

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