
How to make chess exciting to audience?

- Put Peter Svidler on commentary
- add boxing rounds between chess rounds (ChessBox)
- play 2x2 Bughouse with team conversations
no ,
just keep magnus playing agaisnt everyone, like, morozevich, nepomniachi, etc...

and make sure maurice ashley, yasser seyrawan and alejandro ramirez drink before doing a live stream comentary

ORR, just make carlsen kick naka ass live, hahahahahahaH
but for real, to make ordinary people whatch it on TV, they first need to know how to play, and not only how to move pieces, knowing a smotherd mate would do the trick
they wait 7 hrs on a game waiting for that mate, and it never happens, but they keep watching. :D
Have people drink a shot for every pawn's worth of material captured. This would cause Queen sacs just to impair the opponent.
There would have to be some sort of entertaining punishment for the loser of the game... like getting submerged in a pool of ice-water or getting his head shaved bald or whatever.
Chess has a limited appeal because it is resistant to be being popular, and of greater interest to those of higher intelligence.

Things that would make it a good spectator sport would be:

- televising fast games (blitz)
- direct knockout cups
- a chess league system
- people with interesting personalities playing at the top level

(I think)
No, to be honest it would make no difference to me... I don't need to look at some fantasy girl when I already have one of my own ;)

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