
correspondence chess

game time is a move per day. or a move per two days...
that would defeat the purpose. Correspondence chess allows the user to have more time to think and can log in and log out of his/her account freely. unlimited time control, however, lacks the feature of allowing the user to leave.
I don't support CC here, but thats just me.
hahahahahahaha, really, u serous that is pointless, and really when will u finish the game. can u play a game for 1 or 2 months, really. what r u gonna spend all day long trying to figure out a move, just play a quick game of chess. make ur brain move faster, not slower
You being stupid head, Bra. Snail game? Bah! Bra, just don't even! We know you sit in those rockers at the Cracker Barrel playin' with large checkers on a rug, but I suggest you not bring dis senior shit to Lichess. Such a wasteful feature for Theobald to spend time creating...OK?!
That's a sensible feature request.

However, you can use unlimited and agree with the opponent that it's okay to leave. Some people here have already been doing that for a long time.
@e89rtah4375p your response is quite comical. you're rating is 1066, have you ever even considered thinking about a move? Your level of english confirms your low intellect.

@thibault Thanks for the reply. I wouldn't play with unlimited time, defeats the purpose of day/ 2 day move increments. Thanks though.
@condor- Before you connect to the Internet with your PC computer, remember one thing: you're a brat from a roadway lifestyle.
Condor: maybe try to find someone on the forums who will agree to an ulimited game with 24/48 hour moves. Build up some acquaintances/friendships to further this goal.

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