
#Stop Racism

9 members

Please Join this other anti hate/racism teams They are AWESEOME!!!!!!!!!

🛑 Stop ALL hate 🛑
Not just towards black people
Not just towards asians
Not just towards Native Americans
Not just towards Latinos
Not just towards Mexicans
Not just towards Pacific Islanders
Not just towards Russians
Not just towards Germans


We're Stronger TOGETHER 👫👫👭👭👭👫👬👬👭👬

A lot of people think that the Asians are the one that started this pandemic.
Racial discrimination and injustice is never okay.
Asians are not viruses but racism is.
Please join this team if you agree.
Spread the word if you can.
Advertise the team on your profile page to spread the word.
We will not tolerate any form of discrimination here.
This team is made to spread awareness of racism in the hopes for people to stop discriminating. A lot of people get discriminated against just by their skin color and that is never okay. What matters is kindness, passion, positivity, and all the good in you. Looks or skin color doesn't matter, Like a wise person once said "Never Judge a Book By Its Cover"
This team is not a team where we hate people that discriminate, but it's a team to "Change people who discriminate" Imperfections and Flaws are just what makes people human.
There are many teams on lichess about Stopping racism there is still racism throughout the world, so we need to promote stopping racism even more. ALWAYS treat others how you want to be treated.
Lets all Fight for Justice since we are all humans and we deserve to be treated equally :)

Here are some teams that also support Anti-Hate, Joining them will not just help us but also it will help everyone!
Have you seen any other teams that support any other type of Anti-Hate? Message @Legendary_Knights

Our Team Was Officially Created And Established by @Legendary_Knights On 9/7/21
If you support this idea, please always be kind, passionate and...