
Crusher League

3 members

This team has the intention to bring down any other strong team in a teambattle. For this we search for strong players (not cheaters). But at first we need to make us a name so we start by playing Matches against weaker Teams and raise the level until we compete with the top Teams.
We will play a weekly match against another team. If we win this team is beaten and we will put it on the list of losers. If the other team wins we will start a rematch. If they defend three times they succesfully defended themselves and get in our hall of fame. The weekly Matches take place on Saturday 20:00 (Berlin time). Rematches on Monday and Tuesday. But even if their is no teamfight we will have tournaments inside the team to train our skills.
So to all strong players (1800+) out there. Please join or maybe we will crush your team next.


Crusher League Team Battle10+0 • Rapid • Rated • 1h 30mBattle of 3 teams