
Search "user:blunderouswonder"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Ok, I Give Up....#7

I appreciate the answers. I finally figured out to double click the big Random button of the Create Game submenu... Feedback: this is not the easiest site to navigate intuitively. Coming from years an…

Lichess Feedback - Ok, I Give Up....#5

There must be some other way because that is not remotely how I've been playing Casual for the last weeks. When I go to that screen, Casual is highlighted and the only option is to close that screen a…

Lichess Feedback - Ok, I Give Up....#4

Thanks! That's not how I landed there previously but it will do.

Lichess Feedback - Ok, I Give Up....#1

How do I get into Casual play again? I only discovered it by accident and prefer it over Rated and Anonymous but somehow I fell out of it into Rated again. I don't care about points and ranks as I gen…

Lichess Feedback - Takeback wasn't an option#10

Did not know about turning that highly irritating 'feature' off. Thanks Deadban!
