
Search "user:RACHEL-Mah"

10 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - How to post hyperlinks on lichess?#13

@Yousuf_Haitham sry for that i am not want advertise it, i just want to test something to make hyperlink and i just realise here cant make this i dont know what i should test so i paste it only withou…

General Chess Discussion - How to post hyperlinks on lichess?#11


Lichess Feedback - Acc Closed Automatically#11

so this will get back his acc trough appeal? lichess will help within 48 hour? @willbeagrandmaster

Lichess Feedback - Acc Closed Automatically#9

ok,this way can problably get back that acc? @willbeagrandmaster or you got this experience before that ?

Lichess Feedback - Acc Closed Automatically#7

thks @willbeagrandmaster ,and how can solve this problem and make lichess acc safe after create a new

Lichess Feedback - Acc Closed Automatically#5

IF that acc had broken the rules,why cannot use another acc? (any gmail,acc still cant with automatic closed)

Lichess Feedback - Acc Closed Automatically#3

@willbeagrandmaster hi,whats is tos?

Lichess Feedback - Acc Closed Automatically#1

Why my friend acc is always closed automatic? He had open many account on lichess but always appear 'reconnecting' then the page is refresh to haven sign up page And cant reopen it ,it say this acc do…