
Search "user:MeGreen"

36 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - rated around 1850 FIDE, looking for sparring partners (30+30 games) #1#9

Just wanted to post the same sort of thing. If anyone's interested ;)

General Chess Discussion - Practicing openings#1

Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone is interested in learning openings together, by playing a game with an opening we specified earlier :) If you're a decent player (2000+ level on lichess) and …

Lichess Feedback - Analysis chess board isn't visible #1

Hello everyone, for a while, whenever I try to analyze a chess game, or watch someone's game, I can't do that - it doesn't show the pieces, like in the blindfolded mode. It's only like that in my acco…

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General Chess Discussion - Who are some of the most active players on lichess?#20


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Lichess Feedback - Two puzzles with the same position and a different solution#6

Oh, sorry for my mistake.
