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28 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chrome extension that enables you to play chess with your keyboard on Lichess!#3

Just writing to say thanks man I think playing with this is going to help my visualization a lot

Game analysis - My First Perfect Game#1

A little bit proud of myself for this game: :D

General Chess Discussion - Book recommendation #11

Capablanca has another book you can find online: "Chess Fundamentals", regarded by Mikhail Botvinnik as the best chess bok ever written (he was a grandmaster/world champion). file:///C:/Users/weekdays…

Game analysis - Time factor#2

lmao why'd you give him so much time XDDDD he doesn't even have a single check

General Chess Discussion - Lichess tactics history hack.#13

lmao TheLeon hasn't made a single point other than that I cannot comprehend the inner machinations of his mind I'm sure the community already understands what is the truth. To Jimj12: There has been n…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess tactics history hack.#7

? Are you referring to "ethical hacking"? It's not that hacking is so broad a topic that I haven't realized it's full extent; It's that you are trying to shroud the term hack/hacking in a veil of vagu…

General Chess Discussion - Bad manners, thought I would share for kicks. This made me laugh. A true FM.#2

I don't want to waste time reading this whole thing, but just the length alone tells me something: You are way to invested to be sharing this "just for kicks". Even if some guy you meet on the interne…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess tactics history hack.#4

What kind of two step system is that? First define a word. Second create your own database due to a limited history? Good thing our based lord google defines hack for us: use a computer to gain unauth…

General Chess Discussion - I seen a topic about chess "rules" the other day#10

Another viewer of Ben Finegold; at last we meet my brethren!

General Chess Discussion - Racism in chess#21

though people can't control over their skin color is meant to be: though people can't control their skin color.
