
Search "user:bog601"

22 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Silician destruction#3

That was nice :) enjoyed going through it

General Chess Discussion - Why do I suck at blitz?#1

Okay, so my classical rating is decent ... I don't really play bullet, but I get slaughtered at blitz. I'm too slow and I hang pieces every other move. Does anyone have any tips for improving at blitz…

Game analysis - 2020 vs 2189#1

So I played this game a few days ago against someone rated 2189. I felt my middle-game position was promising, but I couldn't find any creative way to make any sort of headway, and succumbed to my opp…

General Chess Discussion - Favorite chess player? #38

1) Alexander Alekhine - great attacker; great ideas 2) Paul Morphy - seeing his games is like seeing poetry in motion

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for a chess tournament#15

Thanks for all the tips! :) Much appreciated...!

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for a chess tournament#7

No idea what my real life rating is; first event of this kind i'm attending in about 5 years. My last tournament was a blitz event sponsored by my high-school.

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for a chess tournament#1

So I'll be playing in the ontario open over Victoria day long weekend. Time controls are 90/30. My current study plan is just openings. I'm comfortable playing the King's Gambit as white and Alekhine'…

General Chess Discussion - I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?#31

Very nice; the timer and repetition is quite fun. The idea of having structured levels composed of problem sets is also very good. Very enjoyable overall!

General Chess Discussion - Spotting Tactics More For My Opponent#5

lol I'm actually the complete opposite. I often play chess as if my opponent did not exist and had no ideas of his own... :(

Game analysis - What to learn from a high rated player.#10

Leaving aside the first blunder, I think the best way you can improve the opening and early middle-game to get a playable position against most anybody is by following these three basic principles: 1)…
