
Why do you cheat ? Please tell me in the anonymous message board linked here !

Ok, I don't play as much regular chess online as I used to, I play mostly variants, so maybe I'm not experiencing it the way others are.

Also I play slower speeds and pretty much always with increment, and there is a higher volume of cheating there than before.

Maybe in the last few years since lockdown and Queen's Gambit and thus the popularity of chess, that you meet people who appear to match your standard already if not a lot higher when they've been playing regular chess for 2 years whereas I was playing for my school at the age of 11, top board in the juniors at age 12 and in the seniors at 16 and also played for University of London and even a couple of games for the BBC in 2011.

Of course al those games were played at classical time control. We didn't have clocks with increment so when we played blitz it was normally 5+0 although I'd also played with a buzzer, and I also played one rapid event 30+0 when I was 18 and finished mid-table.

And of course in those days I didn't encounter any cheating, and if I played against chess programs I usually won anyway, because they weren't that good back then.

I can't tell if the world is "rotting at its core" but people always look back at the old days like moral standards were much higher when they weren't. There was drug-dealing back then too, riots, racial hatred, burglary, etc. In the UK there were terror attacks from the IRA in addition to riots in Brixton and Toxteth around 1980-81.

But back then if I wanted a game of chess, I went to the local chess club or played at school. So suffering cheats in that aspect wasn't an issue, as is the case now most of the time in OTB.
@EvilChess said in #19:
> Relevant comment up to now:
> 1) An ex-cheater said: "i cheated before cuz i liked crushing the people"
> 2) Lans said: "I want to let the chess speak for itself. When I speak for myself it doesn't end well."
> 3) LOL said: "i cheat cos i suck at chess and want to see how people gets crushed by computers"
> 4) Anonymous registered a unclear message, were seems to use engines because believes others are using engines too, but seems to believe that practice improves this player's chess.
> 5) Anonymous2 said it was because it seemed like cheating was something smart, at first.

Such answers actually confirm my suspicion that only infantile idiots are attracted to cheating. Thank for sharing!

p.s. the comments on the reddit link confirm it too.
I wouldn't expect people to really answer that honestly.

The simple reason why people cheat is because they prefer winning to losing, and think they'll get away with it.

You'd expect more cheats then in "anonymous" but I don't actually find that to be the case. Why? I guess that the fact the win or loss is recorded in the stats against your username makes it feel more incentive to get a win at all costs. But if it's going down to "anonymous" either way they don't care.
Maybe just looked at the standard they were playing 2 years before.
I agree with most of you guys said @toxic_internet , @earlpurple and @midnightmusicnetwork , with some regards.

The percentage of cheaters is very low, indeed. However, they tend to concentrate too much in the top 1% ranking. When I play people below the top 5% (below 2000), I feel like cheating is very infrequent. However, when I play in the top 1% (above 2200), I feel like MOST of my available opponents are cheating. Actually, I report and make them get banned very frequently. Sometimes, the account ban is immediate (after I report).

Actually, every 2200+ player has some "cheater avoidance strategy". For instance, titled players only like to play other titled players. Because cheating in a titled account is much more risky. Doing that would result in a permanent ban of the person holding that title (they would never again have a titled account in lichess).

Btw, I am over 35 and I agree that the world now is unscrupulous and this does have an effect in increasing the online cheating.

Yet I think that the most effective way to deal with the problem is not simply through punishment, but rather by understanding them and trying to find better alternatives to them. Such as giving them the opportunity to convert their account into a cyborg account instead of just banning. Because the ban incentivizes them to persist, creating a new one.
My rapid rating on this site is 2120, and obviously in getting up to 2200+ ratings, they must be cheating against players of my standard. I guess if I played more standard rapid than I do I'd encounter them every now and then.

My last win at rapid was a game I played by accident, clicking on the challenge in the lobby when I didn't even intend it, but I played out the game. And whereas my opponent had a rating of around 2128, he didn't appear to be playing of that standard.
Maybe he just had an off-game but it appeared to me he mostly played weak opponents and built up a rating that way.

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