
Questions about Simuls

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1. I think because ratings - our ELO specifically, are meant to reflect the probability of one player beating another in normal conditions. A simul does not comprise normal conditions, so it's not clear how to adjust a rating fairly. Imagine a host was playing against 10 players with the same rating as them. Probably their performance in each game wouldn't be as good as if they were playing each game separately. So it's not obvious how to apply such a handicap to elo.

2/3 seem kinda like niche features. Maybe they could be added someday, but Simuls are often exhibitions by strong players. Seems like takebacks and adding time don't really fit for such an application. Lichess philosophy is usually to keep things simple.

4. This is how simuls work in real life, so it doesn't really make sense to make it easier online.

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