
Buying A Chessboard With The Use Of Bitcoins?

Hello everybody!
I only would like to ask you if you have heard about Bitcoins?? Am I the only person who knows nothing about this so far? I've encountered for the first time about this kind of currency online. They say that it is revolutionary, and is really booming at the moment. I even heard that some shops are already accepting this kind of currency. I am overwhelmed about this report that I already spent so many hours researching about it. Please if anybody out there who has got more knowledge on Bitcoin ... I would be very grateful to learn more. Have a nice day folks.
I can sell to you chessboard , programs from chessbase and chess sets.
Yes, you are in fact the only person who hasn't heard about this so far.
Still a lot of new stuff to learn, in deed. I've been asking people today but they don't really want to talk about it. Maybe they're right that it is not worth talking about.

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