
Change Season Marathon names

Hello everybody!

As a human being living in the southern hemisphere, I don't feel comfortable with the season's marathon names, I refer to tournaments like 2022 Autumn Marathon or 2022 Winter Marathon, they are far too northern-centric for half of the world (I mean, it's spring for a lot of people now, not Autumn).

We could consider changing the names to "first-trimester marathon" and so on, so no one feels underrepresented or excluded.

I expect not to be the only one concerned about this, please share your thoughts and better ideas for the marathon's naming!
Your suggested new name is hideous. The current season names are much better.

And it's ridiculous to claim that the current naming is excluding people.
@IndigoEngun said in #3:
> Your suggested new name is hideous. The current season names are much better.
> And it's ridiculous to claim that the current naming is excluding people.
The suggested name is not the best, but I don't think the claim is ridiculous, is super weird for people living here to talk about Autumn at this point of the year, it doesn't make sense. Lichess is global, not everyone lives in the north. says:
> In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox is called the vernal or spring equinox while the September equinox is called the autumnal or fall equinox. In the Southern Hemisphere, the reverse is true. During the year, equinoxes alternate with solstices. Leap years and other factors cause the dates of both events to vary slightly.
> Hemisphere-neutral names are northward equinox for the March equinox, indicating that at that moment the solar declination is crossing the celestial equator in a northward direction, and southward equinox for the September equinox, indicating that at that moment the solar declination is crossing the celestial equator in a southward direction.

So the current Spring and Autumn marathons could be renamed Northward and Southward. Summer and Winter could simply be North and South. This is reasonable even if the marathons are not precisely on the equinoxes and solstices.

Not confusing at all. :) says:
> In modern times, Earth's perihelion occurs around January 3, and the aphelion around July 4.

Summer and Winter could also become Perihelion and Aphelion. But I can't find midpoints around the ellipse for the spring/fall pair. Any orbital mechanics out there?
Business calendars are broken into First Quarter, Second Quarter, etc.
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@mcgoves said in #7:
> Business calendars are broken into First Quarter, Second Quarter, etc.
Yeah I thought about that, sounds good to me. I hope this will be heard :D

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