
Made a study on the sicilian defense, but for beginners

So I've made a study on the sicilian defense but specifically for beginners, that means no complex variations like the Najdorf/Normal Dragon, as well as responses to the now-popular variations like the Alapin. Check it out if you're a beginner, it will probably help you.
@EdThePro101 said in #2:
> I'll try it in my next game :) Thanks a lot :D
You're welcome, thanks for checking it out!
Could anyone give feedback on this study? I want to know something I could improve.
do beginners not play the rossolimo or the maroczy bind? i dont see either covered in this one. Otherwise it's fine, but try to not do interactive study and instead use the normal analysis where you can add sidelines, as beginners arent going to play the best or obvious move.
@d4isthebest said in #5:
> do beginners not play the rossolimo or the maroczy bind? i dont see either covered in this one. Otherwise it's fine, but try to not do interactive study and instead use the normal analysis where you can add sidelines, as beginners arent going to play the best or obvious move.
I see, thank you. I did include a normal analysis for the accelerated dragon and the alapin, but I'll have to include it for the others.

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