
I am in puzzle Hell.

Over 200 points lost, I can't solve a puzzle to save my soul. I thought it would help my (subpar) game, but show me a puzzle and I will actually do even worse. Hard to believe but it's true. I suppose puzzles help most people but all it's doing is turning me off on chess.
Don't be hard on yourself. The puzzle algorithms are designed to get harder as you continue solving them. So, when it gets harder, it means you are learning. This type of learning you don't feel or even realize. Just continue solving them.

Secondly, also don't rush through the puzzles. Try to take longer and verbalize (in your head) - Checks, Captures, and Threats! This one helped me to hit 2000+ on puzzles. But I slumped recently because of doing them when tired or stressed. Try doing them when you are very relaxed to know your real rating.

The same applies to playing games.
@toxic_internet , the problem there is that you are doing the puzzles for the puzzle rating. When you feel bad about your rating loss and play more to regain your lost points, you end up loosing even more, because then you are just falling into the "gambler pattern". If, instead, you solve just one puzzle per day, in the morning, when you are in your best mood and energy, then you'll really see your current max strength at puzzles.

Keep in mind, anyway, that it takes years to really develop your brain into it's maximum chess potential. And to reach your max potential you need to train while being in your best mood.
@toxic_internet said in #1:
> Over 200 points lost, I can't solve a puzzle to save my soul. I thought it would help my (subpar) game, but show me a puzzle and I will actually do even worse. Hard to believe but it's true. I suppose puzzles help most people but all it's doing is turning me off on chess.

In your case, looking at your ratings, I suggest to do Puzzle Streak instead. Puzzle Streak begins with super simple (checkmate in one for example) and becomes more difficult gradually. I like Puzzle Streak a lot as concentration exercise. I've set a flexible goal of 30 every day. If I do not reach 30+ in three goes I will stop for the day and just know that my concentration is not the best at that very moment, and move on to do other things. In your case 5 as a daily goal with Puzzle Streak is perhaps reasonable.

And have you gotten a chess coach or buddy or will you find one ?
Whenever you feel demoralized and dejected, restart the journey with basics. Don't exert on yourself too much. Also, take a break to freshen yourself. And controlling mind is most important aspect before playing chess.
Thank you VERY much for the encouraging and insight replies, everyone. I am very grateful for your help! <3

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