IM KrstAlex Lichess coach picture

IM Alex Krstulovic

"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck"

LocationBudapest Hungary
LanguagesEnglish (US), Magyar, Српски језик
RatingFIDE: 244729462472
Hourly rate30€
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am Alex Krstulovic, a 20 year old International Master from Hungary, currently studying economics at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. I'm looking for ambitious students that wish to improve their game.

Playing experience

I started playing chess when I was 5 years old and participated in my first Fide-rated tournament when I was 6. I became Hungary's youngest title holder ever, by winning the U8 European Chess Championship, which awarded me the title of FIDE master. Since then, I won the National Youth Championships numerous times and I achieved the title of International Master when I was 16 years old, in 2020. In 2023 I became the U20 champion of Hungary and achieved my current peak rating of 2447.

Teaching experience

I've worked with and learned from many strong grandmasters, including 8 time Olympic team member and medalist GM Pinter Jozsef and GM Nikola Sedlak, who won gold on his board in the Tromso Olympiad in 2014 and authored numerous books. My aim is to utilize the knowledge and experiences I've gathered from them with my own students.

Best skills

My strongest points are openings and strategic understanding, but I believe that other areas are no less important. I specialize in 1.d4 openings with white (especially the London system and c4 Nf3 setups) and the Caro Kann with black, but I also have experiences with a wide variety of openings and positions.

Teaching methodology

I believe the first step should always be the analysis of the student's games and identifying typical mistakes and how to avoid them. A lot of times, this can be achieved by designing a repertoire that fits their playstyle. Learning typical middlegame positions and key concepts that arise from these openings can also have a large impact on the outcome of the games.